If you are looking at this page because you have recently become engaged – congratulations!
We are pleased to receive enquiries about conducting wedding ceremonies at St. Mary’s and are happy to answer any questions.
If you live within the parish, or have a qualifying connection then booking your wedding at St. Mary’s is very straightforward. If you do not have a qualifying connection you are able to gain one by becoming regular worshippers (or by one of you becoming a regular worshipper) at St. Mary’s for 6 months. Please see the Wedding Qualifying Connection Information for more information on all of this.
Helpful information on planning your ceremony can be found at www.yourchurchwedding.org and in our leaflet Getting Married at St. Mary's. Please click for the list of Wedding Fees which have been revised in accordance with Church Commissioners guidance. You will notice that some fees are standard and apply to all weddings while others are for optional extras. We are also pleased to offer a Wedding Blessing. Click the link for an example Wedding Blessing Order of Service.
Please contact the Organist (stmarysorganist@outlook.com) as soon as possible to arrange a time to meet, usually after the Sunday 10am service. The Organist may be able to suggest extra instrumental accompaniment such as solo trumpet. There are additional websites that give examples of suitable music including hymns and entrance/exit music. Examples are Philip Norman Music Services and Classical Wedding.
Please contact the Rector, the Revd Dr Rachel Greene - rector.chiddingfold@gmail.com, to book your wedding or blessing, or our Weddings Clerk, Tracy Verrier - stmarysweddingclerk@outlook.com for more information about any of the above.