St. Mary’s is very mindful of the care, well-being, and protection of all our children and vulnerable adults. We have a Parish Safeguarding Officer and a Parish Safeguarding Policy which is reviewed annually by our Parochial Church Council. We adhere diligently to diocesan and national safeguarding guidelines. Our handbook and full policy can be downloaded here.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Louise Taylor who can be contacted at stmaryssafeguarding@outlook.com
A Statement from St Mary’s PCC:
Today we pray for all whose lives are impacted by the publication of the Makin report, and for the hundreds of victims and survivors of John Smyth’s abuse.
On November 12, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, announced his resignation after facing scrutiny over his failure to report prolific child abuser John Smyth to authorities. The PCC of St Mary’s supports the Archbishop’s decision to resign, and hopes that this goes some way in acknowledging the failures of the Church of England to act and respond to survivors and victims of this horrific abuse, while recognising that this can never undo the damage to people’s lives. The content of the Makin report calls us to renew our determination to work for a better, safer future. Safeguarding is fundamental to our life at St Mary’s Chiddingfold and we continue to work to build up a community that holds one another accountable, treats one another with love and respect, and challenges unhealthy power structures.
Support is available from Safe Spaces on 0300-303-1056 and the Samaritans helpline on 166-123.