Welcome to St Mary's Church, Chiddingfold
Sundays at 8am and 10am
We are a lively village church with strong community links
where you will find many opportunities to grow in faith and fellowship.
Offering an inclusive welcome is an important part of who we are,
so whoever you are, we look forward to getting to know you!
For any enquiries, queries or simply to get in touch
please contact the Rector, Revd. Dr. Rachel Greene.
A copy of the Pew Sheet for Sunday 2nd March can be downloaded here.
Our church building is undoubtedly one of the landmarks that makes Chiddingfold special. The first recorded building on the present site was c1180, but there were probably people gathering in this spot for worship many years before. The building is Grade 1 listed and unique amongst other listed buildings in the village.
However, the church is no monument or museum! Throughout its history, it has been and still is today, home to a thriving Christian community who meet together for worship and who reach out in service to our village and the wider world. St Mary's is an Inclusive Church.
Coming up..

St. Mary’s is very mindful of the care, well-being, and safeguarding of all our children and vulnerable adults. We adhere diligently to diocesan and national safeguarding guidelines. Our safeguarding policy can be downloaded here. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Louise Taylor who can be contacted at stmaryssafeguarding@outlook.com. Alternatively, you can contact the Rector, the Revd. Dr. Rachel Greene.
We hope you will join our worship and explore all that St. Mary's has to offer. Come and meet us sometime. There’s a place of welcome here for you